Twelve years in with this man, and I’m still finding my way. So much about love seems like it should light up the world, ain’t no thing. Sure, some bumps at the beginning when we’re young and new at this and new at being parents and making ends meet but sometimes not. Sure, there are some … [Read more...] about when my husband drove me crazy, i did this instead
building a real marriage: how to restore the broken pieces
He walks in from work and I’m at the kitchen counter, chopping onions and potatoes and handing out carrots to hungry babies who just cannot even wait a single minute longer for dinner to be ready, they are the hungriest they have ever been, ever. He walks up behind me and wraps his arms around me, … [Read more...] about building a real marriage: how to restore the broken pieces
when staying married feels impossible
Somehow we have ended up here- eleven years in, three wild and free babies, our North Carolina home, sitting on the back porch on the last evening of the summer, drinking wine and laughing and lamenting and dreaming and talking about who we are and who we once were and our truest true. One of us … [Read more...] about when staying married feels impossible
love is 8:15 on a Friday night
Friday night, pizza night, sitting on the front porch, twilight wine sipping, watching the kids play, fingers tangled together night. We haven't spoken much since he got home from work, the noise and the constant and the needs and the dinner and the diapers and the "Daddy! Look!" demanding our … [Read more...] about love is 8:15 on a Friday night
a love letter to my husband
Remember that time we baked a pie and took it by the river and ate it straight out of the pan with two forks? Or when we climbed the mountain, wine and cheese at the top, you down on your knee with the forever question? Or do you remember grabbing popsicles and walking through the neighborhood as … [Read more...] about a love letter to my husband
a letter to my husband on his birthday
My husband, Lane, turns 32 today. We've been together since we were 18 years old- in a sense, we have "grown up" together, meeting when we were still practically babies! What a ride it's been. Here are the words I can gather together for this man that means so much to me on his birthday. If you … [Read more...] about a letter to my husband on his birthday