I wake up in the morning, early early, still dark, and hear something that sounds like a fire alarm. I immediately look up to my ceiling- nope, not that- but it’s that same ear-piercing, high-pitched wail and it’s not stopping. I stumble downstairs, disheveled but determined to not let that sound ... Read More
Let’s go: The Courage to Keep Going When Life Is Hard
It’s Day Three after Lane got back home from his deployment, early morning, he’s in the middle of remembering where things were and how things belong as he looks around the countertop for the creamer and only finds milk. “Milk? You just put milk in your coffee now?” “Yeah, babe.” And then, ... Read More
Light a fire, you lovely brave ones. Your grit gives me mine.
It’s a Thursday that feels like a Monday and I don’t know how else to say it. The power turned off last night at 4:00 in the morning which woke all the girls up, good morning mama, let’s begin our day. A day it will be, a day for the books, really- one kid has been sick since actual February and ... Read More
Cards on the Table: Marriage, Meaning, and Living For Not Against
Last night I had several dreams that woke me up one right after the other all night long- all bad, all scary, all involving Lane. When my alarm went off this morning I was completely confused and couldn’t remember what day exactly it was. Should it be going off? Was last night real? One of ... Read More
The Sameness of Grief and the Courage to Love
The morning that Lane deployed to Iraq for nine months, I wake up to my alarm and immediately kick my foot over to his side of the bed- is he still here? Has it started yet? Is he still here, though? He’s still there, but not for long and we drive him to the parking lot, early morning ... Read More
When Being a Military Wife Feels Too Hard
All five of us, miracle of miracles, sit at the dinner table, eating chicken that Lane grilled and potatoes that I made just like any other family in America. Our conversation drifts to the following weekend and I mention a BBQ that we have been invited to- can we go to that? “Oh, no, ... Read More