::: yesterday i wrote on telling your story. this is our story. this is what it looked like for us. Sometimes when God moves, He is obvious, and just maybe this will help you to pay attention and notice his footprints over your world ::: Right now we have been married for 9 years. We live in … [Read more...] about when god wrote us a new story {part 2}
on paying attention to the story of our life
You know when you keep hearing the same thing over and over... and over? And it's from unrelated events and distant people and certain places that aren't connected? And you just have this sense that by the third or fourth time of hearing it that you might need to start paying attention? I think … [Read more...] about on paying attention to the story of our life
the best gift i ever gave to my husband
There was a time when my vision was off. In the season of busy, the season of difficult, the constant work, the lack of quality time, I began to notice what was not happening rather than what was. I saw the dishes in the sink, placed there after a meal still not cleaned up. I heard the … [Read more...] about the best gift i ever gave to my husband