Eight o’clock in the evening last night and I’m out on my front porch, dark outside already, slippers on, precariously balancing myself on a rickety thrift store chair that serves no real purpose and which I mostly own just because it makes me happy. Except for last night, as I stand on it to string up our Christmas lights in a rather haphazard fashion because it’s already December the fifth and I need to just have this Christmas season task done already.
We put up our Christmas tree and realize that a solid third of the lights are burnt out so some of our Christmas ornaments glimmer with light, some don’t; I got out our Advent calendar yesterday; we’ve done a night or two of Advent readings, but have already missed enough to make me wonder if I just scratch the whole thing this season- maybe next year is the year that I’ll knock it out of the park.
Here’s what I’m realizing though, and here is what is giving me the most joy and freedom this season- there’s no one way to experience Advent, no need to compare my experience to anyone else’s. We’ll just take the days we have left and notice our good and extraordinary Jesus who is in the middle of it all.
Maybe, like me, this Advent you’re looking for a little more meaning, a little less stress. Maybe you’re feeling a slight shift in your soul, like I was in the last few years, and simply longing to re-discover Jesus in the midst of the wrapping paper and hot chocolate.
I created something for you, something that I hope will help us all do exactly that.
I created an Advent series- wrapped up in 7 little emails that will be delivered straight to your inbox, joining you when and how and as you need them.
I don’t need anything extra to do this season, and I imagine you are the same, so this isn’t a series to give you more to do to fill up your already-busy Christmas schedule.
Rather, it’s a way to discover Jesus, Emmanuel, God With Us, in what we’re already doing.
Click the link below, put in your email, and the first of my emails in the series will be delivered to you right away, the following six will arrive the following six days.
I hope you love it; it’s my whole heart this season and it was an absolute joy to create.
click here to get the Light of the World Advent series sent to you!
Merry Christmas, you guys. I’m crazy about you and hope you enjoy this gift.
what do you think?